Solar lights not working properly: 4 ways to troubleshoot and fix it

If your outdoor solar light is not working properly, you can try these 4 steps to troubleshoot and fix the problem.

sresky solar street light ssl 92 58

Check the battery

Make sure it is properly charged and installed. If the battery is low or dead, try replacing it with a new battery of the same type.

Check the switch

Check the switch on the solar light to ensure that it is fully in the “on” position. This switch may be located at the bottom of the light capsule or under the shade of the solar landscape light.

Check the solar panel

Make sure the solar panel is clean and free of debris, as this may affect its ability to charge the battery. If the panel is dirty, clean it with a soft, damp cloth. Do not use any random chemicals or additives as random chemicals can seriously damage your equipment.

Make sure the solar panel is correctly positioned

Make sure the solar panel is placed in a place where it can receive direct sunlight, as this is necessary for the battery to charge properly. If the solar panel is not receiving enough sunlight, try moving it to a place where it receives better sunlight.

To sum up, we can troubleshoot and solve your solar light problems by following the 4 steps above. If you can’t tell which part of your solar light is at fault, you can purchase a smart solar light that can determine what is wrong.

sresky solar street light ssl 92 285 1

For example, SRESKY  solar street light SSL-912  has an automatic FAS error reporting function that quickly identifies the faulty component, making it easier to repair your solar street light.

If you want to know more about solar lamps, click on SRESKY to learn more!

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