With solar, you don’t have any energy costs!

The best aspect of solar energy is that it’s free! And it’s a completely clean energy source that emits no polluting gases or harmful substances!

Using underground power requires paying a monthly utility bill. Conventional fixtures that do not operate with solar panels draw their power from the grid, which can be costly over time. So how much is it?

For simplicity’s sake, the average cost per light drawing electricity from the underground grid is about $20 per month. This is the average for all lighting technologies.

So let’s say you have 20 lights in your housing community. Let us do the math, that’s a $400 per month energy bill. Over ten years, just 20 lights equal $48,000.

sresky solar Street light case 3 1

Let’s put it in a global context. On a global scale, outdoor lighting costs about $10 billion a year to operate.

With solar, you don’t have any energy costs. Using natural, sun-provided energy to power your lights means you pay zero for energy usage each month. Add the savings back into your city budget for other important projects.

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